Conveyor Material Handling

Big Dreamer Conveyors are synonymous with excellent reliability. Big Dreamer offers a wide range of Conveying solutions answering all your requirements for Safe, Reliable and Easy to maintain Equipment. Big Dreamer designs Conveyor trusses that are simple and also compact, there by Conveyors are very easy to Dismantle, Transport & Erect.

The simplicity of Big Dreamer design minimizes the use of specialized mechanical Staff. Special attention has been paid on designing of the head and tail pulley assemblies. The Heavy Duty assemblies ensure extended belt life due to excellent tracking facilities. Crowned, rubber coated drums also play a very important role in extending the belt life. The widest range of optional accessories like Scrapers & Aligners from the most reputed brands are available with your Profit Partner, Big Dreamer.

Operator Safety has always been Big Dreamer priority.

Big Dreamer has developed a comprehensive list of Safety Equipment that can be added to ensure a risk- free operation.

Advantages of Big Dreamer Conveyors

  • Nip Point Protection
  • Safety Systems
  • Fast Installations
  • Compact dimensions can be fully dust encapsulated
  • Optional Water Spraying
  • Can be fitted into a Container
  • Easy to dismantle & erect